Locate your missing Phone with F-Secure Anti theft for Mobile Phones

Anti-Theft is a free application to your mobile device that provides ways to protect your phone if its gets lost or stolen. This works with Symbian, Windows mobile and Android phones.If you suspect your phone is missing you can remotely lock it or wipe the data so that your private text messages or pictures don’t end up in the wrong hands.  You can also locate your phone or the person holding it remotely. 

It offers various features :
  • Remote Lock you Phone by sending SMS.
  • Remote wipe your Phone by sending SMS.
  • Locate your missing Phone by sending SMS.
  • Lock Down When Sim is changed. 
The software reacts on remote commands send via SMS to the phone. Here are the available commands and their action:
  • Send #lock#YourCode to the stolen or lost phone. Will lock the phone, only option to unlock it is to enter the correct password.
  • Send #locate#YourCode to the phone. Locates the phone and displays a link to Google Maps that can be used to find out where the phone is located.
  • Send #wipe#YourCode to the phone to delete all confidential data on the phone.
F-Secure Anti-Theft For Mobile will immediately lock the phone if the SIM card is changed in the phone. The new cell phone number is automatically send to the owner of the phone.
Take a look at the following video that visualizes all the features.

