Distance Calculator to find out the distance between two places anywhere on a country, almost all places supported. In other words, the distance between A and B, distance between the points will then be displayed.
An important feature of this tool is that is "as the crow flies", so traveling in real life will normally involve larger distances, but this may also help those who need to measure on-road distances.
Visit Driving Distance Calculator
An important feature of this tool is that is "as the crow flies", so traveling in real life will normally involve larger distances, but this may also help those who need to measure on-road distances.
- The distance will be displayed below the map in kilometers.
- Shortest road route will be automatically marked using to markers
- Full Road Map, including each any every turning
- Expected time of journey
- Global coverage
- 100% free service
Visit Driving Distance Calculator
Thanks, I have been searching the net for a driving map and this is really amazing, thanks once again.
ReplyDeleteSome places were not listed but major cities around the world covered, I thing this a good choice for travelers as it is will help them to choose the right path. Thanks techbytes. I really love this blog...